Sheep- and goat farming have changed significantly over the last few years in many countries across the world and continue to do so. There has been a great deal of growth in both these sectors and much diversity introduced in terms of production, breeding and management practices. As a consequence, they are highly dynamic. Nukamel has much to offer sheep and goat farmers and wants to contribute to the further evolution of these sectors.
We conduct extensive research into the nutrition behind rearing lambs and goat kids. One example of the kind of investigation that we do are studies to find the ideal fat and protein ratios for rearing and fattening lambs, depending on the aim the farmer has.
In lamb & goat kid-rearing, our focus is on optimal growth, health and development. For fattening, our focus is on achieving the best growth and economic value.

R&D-based nutrition

Specific nutritional requirements
Young sheep and goats have very specific nutritional needs. Importantly, these can be even more specific for different breeds. Nukamel ensures that its lamb- and goat kid milk replacers provide the perfect balance between energy, protein and other nutrients.
Lamb milk replacers in particular also often need to be lower in Copper level than milk replacers for other young animals. Depending upon the sheep breed, some lambs are Copper-sensitive and high levels of Copper in milk can be toxic to them. North Ronaldsay, Texel, Suffolk and several continental short-wool breeds of sheep are vulnerable to Copper-toxicity, when compared with Cheviots and Scottish Blackfaces, for example. Growing lambs are also more susceptible than adult ewes.
Not only is it important to achieve the right balance of energy, protein, vitamins and minerals for young sheep and goats according to their specific breed, but it is also essential to feed the right amounts in the right way. The concentrations and feeding schedules for lamb and goat kid milk replacer are completely different. While both require high concentrations of nutrients, goat kid milk replacer is fed at 16-18% dry matter, the lamb milk replacers are fed at 20-24% dry matter.
Excellent solubility is key!
Sheep and goat farmers rely on a variety of methods to feed ranging from automatic milk machines to lamb bars, bucket-or bottle feeding. Whatever the method, the quality and stability of the milk must be ensured to guarantee feeding is effective. Milk must also flow well through any apparatus.
As lamb and goat kid milk replacers require preparation at a high concentration, good solubility is key.
Through Nukamel’s stringent selection of raw material choices, we can guarantee our milk replacers offer optimal solubility.

Reducing stress during yeaning period
(for the farmer)
Once the lambs and goat kids are born a very stressful period starts, for the farmer. It helps if he can offer a save and tasty milk replacer that guarantees easy intake.
Seeing them grow strong and healthy, without diarrhea, can reduce the farmer's stress considerably. That's why Nukamel focusses on quality, digestibility, taste and ease of use.